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MaD HaTteRs TeA & PaINt PaRtY

Tuesday, 23 July 2013 14:00-Tuesday, 23 July 2013 14:00

Ko Tao, Surat Thani, Thailand
Start From: 550.00THB

From 2pm We ourMaD HaTTeRs tEa & PaiNt Party
We'l have Scones and Jam, Sangria and Painting and Drawing Madness! Whilst
lapping up the views of the ocean, mountains, breeze, sunshine & good company on our rooftop garden art studio.
(note: Non PG Tea Also available!) ;)

 Come down to finish off your painting from last week (200b)inc paints, tea & scones Or start a new one (550b) includes canvas, paints, tea & scones...dont forget your Mad Hat and DON'T BE LATE FOR YOUR VERY IMPORTANT DATE!

All welcome, no artistic ability required as we can help you create a personal masterpiece you can take home with you.

Find us on facebook or contact us for more info

T: 089 054 8757

Category Art Event
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